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BLAC ACTS: Biological Lingustics Acquired Cogntion-Art Culture Technology & S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
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Blac Acts
The Manifestation Of Humanities Physiological & Technological Patterns Through S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Health And Scriptures And How It Influences Ecology's Naturally Cultivated Environment Through Biological Linguistics Acquired Cognition - Art Culture Technology & Science.
Dorion K. Hilliard
Dorion K. Hilliard, Sr. Has over 35 years of experience as an Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technician, Stationary / Application Engineer shares his comprehensive research and knowledge of environmental science and his relationship with energy as to how Scientific Computations Influences Ecologies Naturally Cultivated Environments (S.C.I.E.N.C.E.)
Without ME there Is No We, The Molecular Energy Behind Humanities Universal Contradiction Is The W(UU).
Joseph R. Burrell
"As a reader with a deep interest in both science and spirituality, I found this book to be enlightening and enriching. A must-read for anyone seeking a holistic understanding of our existence."
Brooke M. Weitz
"This book is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary thinking and the potential for harmony between seemingly divergent worldviews. 'The Biosphere of Molecular Energy is ME!' is a must-read for those who seek to reconcile their spiritual beliefs with the discoveries of modern science."
Walter S. Beeler
"Hilliard's expertise in environmental science and engineering lends credibility to his exploration of these complex topics. His writing is engaging and thought-provoking, making this book a valuable addition to the literature on the origins of humanity."
Brian M. Lopez
"Hilliard's ability to draw connections between the biblical creation story and the intricate tapestry of human evolution is truly remarkable. As a student of both theology and environmental science, I found this book to be a profound exploration of our origins and the evolution of our species."